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Sometimes harsh. . . Sometimes restless but most of the time Joyful... Thats the way to live your life... Its my thought... Gaurav here!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Trying to read men

Why do men do strange things? This line of thought amazes women? Women have always been puzzled by a man's constant fascination for strange things. For some, it's care and relationship, for other's, it's  childish video games and for yet others, it's television and movies. But, few women have asked why men are so determined to hang onto their toys. The answer is rather simple. Men, as a race, are an imaginative bunch. They require reality to be diluted from time to time. Reality is a scary place for most men: they don't understand much of what's happening and have even less insight. As such they need another reality, an alternative, a place where they can be better men. This need for an alternative reality has been evident since the days of the cavemen. Those drawings on cave walls were exaggerated to some extent to suit the ego of the big bad hunter. For example, a hunter may have killed a bunny and drawn a brontosaurus.

Video games provide an even more realistic environment for a man to get lost in, imagine being a CIA agent, a racing car driver or James Bond, all in the same day; it has ridiculous appeal for men, I assure you. It's strange sort of thing, but this allows men to be more pleased with their day-to-day existence; it's the idea that, if I want to, I could do anything. The truth being that, most men would rather sit in a lounge chair and take a nap at five o'clock in the evening.

The human race, especially men, desire what it cannot have. With video games and television, men get fulfillment, an idea that their hopes and wishes are coming true, an idea that the dreams aren't too far.

As soon as a man sees an action movie, he goes into his room, closes the door aims a little finger gun at the mirror and says 'Hasta La Vista, baby.' It's just our way. Sly Stallone may just sit around all the day and be a normal guy but, even for him, acting is an escape and I bet, from time to time, he still plays the Rocky tune in his head and raises hose gigantic arms in the air.

The world of imagination has gone to another level. Anything that can be imagined can be brought in front of one's eyes and this takes men to fantasyland, where all is real. When men achieve all that they desire with the power of a couple of simple gadgets, what else in the world do they need???

Friday, July 8, 2011

Re-union of Batch '059 - Gyan Jyoti S. School

A high school reunion
well mine was a rush
only fourteen arrived from
hundred fifty and plus

eight years have passed
since that milestone day
plans for the reunion was made
in most elegant ways!

we picked each from facebook
all we knew the best
even to those who didn't come
about hundred thirty six and rest

why didnt some frens turn up!
what made them so crass
to inflict such an insult
on the unity of our class

well here's my perspective
for this experience forgone
I'll sum it up in 3 words

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

कथा निर्जिव प्राणीको

मेरो  नाम डेस्क हो हुन एक्कैसौं शताब्दिमा मेरो कुनै मुल्य छैन तर आज भन्दा करोडौं बर्ष उता हाम्रो पनि एउटा घर हुने गर्थ्यो; “पृथ्वी”, जब आजका भयानक दुईखुट्टे प्राणिको कुनै अस्तित्व थिएन पुर्वजका कुरा एक कान दुइ कान मैदान हुँदै आएको evidence अनुसार हामिहरु नै यस पृथ्वी मा राज गर्ने गर्थ्यौं अरे हामी सबै खुशीपूर्ण जिवन ब्यतित गर्ने गर्थ्यौं हाम्रो परिवारले; ऐलेका मानवहरुले आफ्नो सुरक्षाका निम्ती राखेका घरपालुवा जनावर जस्तै हाम्रा पनि घरपालुवा जनावर हुनेगर्थ्यो जस्तै: बाघ्, भालु आदी इत्यादि, र खुशीपुर्वक बस्ने गर्थ्यौं

एकदिनको कुरा हो; भयानक तरिकाले बिजुली कद्किदैंथियो, पानी पनि मुसल्धारे पर्दैथियो हामी सबै बच्चाहरु डरले कामिरहेकाथियौं आमा-बाबाले हामिलाई शान्त राख्न खोज्नु भैरहेकोथियो केही दृश्य देखिने अवस्थामा थिएन तेतिकैमा परतिर हाम्रै घाँसमा एउटा कोश (cell) गुणा भैरहेको कुरा हाम्रा घाँसहरु मार्फत हामिले थाहा पाएकाथियौं ति कोषहरु गुना हुँदै एउटा प्रकार दिदैथियो जुन हामिले पनि देख्न सक्थ्यौ ति प्रकारहरु  एउटा अचम्म खाले प्राणिमा परिणत भएको थियो पशु हो कि पंशी हो थाहा थिएन नियालेर हेर्दा त्यो दुइ खुट्टामा उभिन सक्ने रहेछ बादलको गड्गडाहटका कारण त्यो प्राणी हाम्रो संसारमा आएको होला भन्ने अनुमान गर्यौं तसर्थ हामिले उसको नाम ADAM राख्यौं । यसै अन्तर्गत हामिले थाहा पायौंकी पृथ्वीको अर्को कुनामा पनि एस्तै घटना घटेकोरहेछ । साँझमा फेला परेको कारण उसको नाम EVE राख्यो । हामिले त्यो प्राणिलाई स्नेहपुर्वक सम्हालेका थियौं । छलफल हुँदै जाँदा हामिले एउटा निधो गर्यौं कि दुइ खुट्टामा उभिने र बाहिरी आकारमा पनि उस्तै जिउडाल भएको कारणले हामिले तीनिहरुलाई भेट गरार्यौं । तेसपछी हामिले थाहा पाए अनुसार उनिहरुको आत्मियता बध्दैगयो । दुइको बिचमा प्रेमको सम्बन्ध प्रगाढ रुपले बध्दै गयो ।  त्यो प्रेमले उनिहरु जस्तै धेरै प्राणिलाई जन्म दियो । उनिहरुको जन्संख्या बध्दै गयो । जन्संख्यासँगै  उनिहरुको आवस्यकता पनि बध्दै गयो । हामी भन्दा निकै बुद्धिमानी भएका कारण उनिहरुले “आगोको निर्मान गरे । आफु बस्ने परिधी बढाउँदै गए । आफ्नो शक्तिको नाजायज फाइदा उठाउँने क्रममा हामिलाई नै आफ्नो परिवारबाट हताए । हामिले सुरक्षाका निम्ती पालेका घरपालुवा जनावरलाई आफ्नो स्वाद र वस्त्रका निम्ती संहार गर्दै गए । जती माया हामिले दिएका थियौं त्यस्को ठीक बिपरितमा उनिहरुले हामिलाई घृणा दियो ।  आफ्नो स्वतन्त्र देश निर्माणका लागी हाम्रा बुढा-पाखा रुखलाई काट्न थाले । बिस्तारै हामिलाई आफ्नो परिवारबाट टाढा गरिदिए । एकतर्फबाट भन्नु पर्दा हामिलाई निर्जिव प्राणी जस्तो व्यवहार गर्न थाले । उनिहरुको भोक अझै नमेटिदा हामिलाई पूर्णरुपले फदानी गरे । आफ्नो सहुलियतका लागी हामिलाई आफ्नो आरामदायी वस्तुमा परिणत गरे । कसैलाई खाट त कसैलाई कुर्सि, कसैलाई सोफा त कसैलाई पुस्तकमा बदले । तेसै अन्तर्गत आज हाम्रो जन्संख्या एक्दमै न्युन भएकोछ । कुनै दिन यस्तो आउला कि आफ्नो जनसंख्या बढाउने क्रम र आरामदायी बनाउनलाई हामिलाई नै लोप गर्लान् ।

हिजोको राजकिय भार चलौने मेरा पुस्ता, आज म, डेस्क, जस्तो निर्जिव प्राणि भएर बाँचिरहेकाछन् हामिसँग यो पृथ्वी  हाम्रो हो भन्ने कुनै कागजिय प्रमाण छैन किनकी हामी आफ्नो अस्तित्वको प्रमाण दिन आफुलाई काट्न सक्दैनौ।